Bangla Begum

If there’s one thing that my 10+ years of experience in the advertising and branding world have taught me it’s that consumers know when they’re being marketed to, and for the most part they’re not that into it. They’re looking for authenticity and experiences.

So I was thrilled when the founder of Bangla Begum, a Parisian jewelry brand, commissioned me to write a piece of fiction that captures the essence of the brand. After taking a deep dive into the brand’s world, I wrote a short story about legacy, intergenerational friendships, self-love, and, of course, Paris.

I worked with the founder to recreate the menu in the story and we launched it during an intimate dinner at the brand’s atelier with clients and friends in attendance.

It was a genuine moment—a lived experience with people that appreciate and connect with the brand’s mission and values—that didn’t feel like a brand activation or marketing campaign. And that made all the difference.

Sutanya Dacres